Sustainability Pathways for Washington Dairy Farmers - Washington Dairy

Sustainability Pathways for Washington Dairy Farmers

Planning Resources

This resource hub provides Washington dairy farmers with practical guidance, actionable steps, and essential tools to adopt sustainable on-farm practices, supporting the dairy industry’s commitment to achieving GHG neutrality by 2050.


Step 1: Assess Farm Footprint

Conduct a comprehensive farm evaluation to determine your current environmental footprint. FARM ES v3 can run custom ‘what-if’ scenarios, where you can change various inputs (including practices) to determine the impact on your farm emissions.

Key Partners:
  • Your Co-op/Processor
  • Farm Advisor
  • Newtrient
  • WA Dairy Commission
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Take Action

Contact your Co-op/Processor to conduct a farm evaluation.

Step 2: Explore Opportunities

Seek insights on practices and technologies that balance economic and environmental impacts.

Key Partners:
  • Your Co-op/Processor
  • Farm Advisor
  • WA Dairy Commission
  • WA Dairy Federation
  • Conservation Districts
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Dairy Conservation Navigator

Newtrient Manure 101

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Take Action

Schedule a consultation to see what practices are suitable for your operations and the potential benefits and challenges.

Contact: Your Co-op/Processor, WA Dairy Commission, WA Dairy Federation

Step 3: Assess Feasibility & Develop Preliminary Plan 

Conduct a feasibility study to see how sustainable practices fit your farm’s operation and goals. This study will inform the development of a preliminary implementation plan that outlines technical and financial considerations.

Key Partners:
  • FARM ES Evaluations
  • WSU Research
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Learn More

Dairy Conservation Navigator

Nutrient Solutions Catalog

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Take Action

Contact industry experts to inquire and initiate this process. Use findings to pursue target resources for relevant practices you would like to adopt.

Contact: Your Co-op/Processor, Newtrient

Step 4: Secure Resources

Explore funding, technical expertise, or equipment relevant to your sustainability practices. Assess your capital and operational needs, and consider diverse funding opportunities to avoid limiting your options. Collaborate with your co-op or processor and other key partners to identify what works best for your operation.

Key Partners:
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DCN Funding Database

CTIC Conservation Connector

Lasso Grant-Writing Services

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Take Action

Assess capital and operational requirements and explore funding options.

Contact: Lasso or other relevant institutions with funding programs for a consultation.

Step 5: Plan & Implement

Work with industry experts, your Co-op/Processor, and/or vendors to develop a comprehensive implementation and operational plan addressing:

  • Timeline
  • Budget for ongoing costs
  • Technical needs
  • Prepare for potential challenges

Industry partners will help support you with tools to track progress and make adjustments along the way.

Carbon Markets:

Not all sustainability outcomes are tied to carbon credits. Customers value progress in reducing carbon footprints, opening doors to new incentives and market opportunities. For those participating in carbon markets, establish a GHG baseline, follow validated protocols, and ensure credit credibility. Credits can be sold as insets or offsets, depending on what best aligns with your goals.

Key Partners:
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DCN Learning Hub


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Take Action

Contact key partners for guidance on implementation planning. Support at this stage will depend on your selected projects, funding model, technical needs, and chosen service providers.

Step 6: Sustaining Success

Ensure long-term success by leveraging reductions in GHG emissions for added value through customer incentives, certifications, and/or participation in carbon markets.

Carbon Markets:

Carbon credits can be sold as insets within the dairy value chain or offsets to external buyers, depending on your goals. When deciding, consider financial, operational, and strategic benefits while aligning with industry sustainability targets.

Key Partners:
  • FARM ES Evaluations


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Take Action

Collaborate with advisors to monitor progress and periodically reassess your GHG footprint. If you choose to generate carbon credits, work with a project developer and/or third-party verifier, following established carbon protocols to ensure your credits are credible and certifiable.


Questions? Reach out to your WA Dairy Commission

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